ITK news


David Leitch and Paul Bandarian


April 12, 2024

ITK office

ITK office

ITK -What’s up

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New look website

Our newlook website can be found at . The site is built using Quarto, a product originating in academic publishing. Quarto itself uses Pandoc and the Bootstrap 5 CSS theming tools under the hood. I like Quarto because its all open source and produces clean, and to my eyes, elegant looking websites. The site contains copies of articles I have written, or co-authored, nearly all of which can otherwise be found at the far broader and more comprehensive and

On our site is also a “nem-dash” menu item which will, after a delay, load some graphs and tables I use to visuallise the NEM. The underlying data for the charts is taken almost exclusively from Global Roam’s NEM Review comprehensive and easy to use dataset. The data is only updated once a week, typically Monday morning. It is most definitely not live. That reflects our focus here at ITK which is analysis and not news.

Most of the graphs shown are “reactive”. That is they allow the user to adjust some input to the chart, again using the underly NEM Review data. The graphs are made reactive, using Holoviz Panel and the underlying data is manipulated using Python and Pandas library as well as various graphing libraries and themed using “Dracula”. Due to server limitations I don’t expect the graph loading time to perform well under heavy load. Fortunately this obscure topic is of only occasional use. You can expect NEM-dash to be down from time to time and the content may evolve.

Renewable NEM built from scratch - Part 2

On the website is an article building up a renewable NEM from scratch. Its about the 4th or 5th article I’ve written on the topic which started with the idea of transferring finance portfolio concepts, specifically the Sharpe Ratio, to renewable energy. This article and indeed Part 1 of the series was primarily authored by Paul Bandarian.

The learnings we have gained from this will be of use in the products we hope to be discussing later this year.

Thanks to AEMO and publicatio of the ISP there is now far more public data available for analysis as we decarbonise first the NEM and then Australia.